Baby Teeth

The first teeth to appear in a babys mouth are 2 lower front teeth. they appear when your child is about 6 to 8 months old. They are followed by the 4 upper front teeth.The remainder teeth will appear periodically, usually in pairs on each side of the jaw, until the child is about 2 ½ years old.
By the time your child is 2 ½ years old, all 20 baby teeth will most likely have come in. From this point until the child is 5 to 6 years of age, his/her first permanent teeth will begin to erupt.Some of the permanent teeth replace baby teeth, others don't.

The following picture shows approximately when each baby tooth should erupt. Do not worry if some teeth are a few months early or late. Every child is different. Even though baby teeth will eventually be lost, they are just as important as the adult teeth.They not only hold the space for incoming permanent teeth, but are also important for biting and chewing food, speech, and physical appearance. Early tooth loss due to dental decay can have a serious impact on your child’s self-esteem and self-confidence in their appearance.For this reason, it is important to teach your child from an early age, the importance of eating a healthy diet, and practicing daily oral hygiene to maintain healthy teeth and gums for a lifetime of smiles.

Teething can be very painful. When babies begin teething between the ages of four months and two and a half-years old, they often have sore and tender gums. The breaking through of these teeth often causes a child to become irritable and cranky.
Gently rubbing your baby's gums with a clean finger, a small, cool spoon, or a wet gauze can usually soothe this pain. You can also give the baby a clean teething ring to chew on.
Contrary to common belief, teething does not cause fevers. If a fever does exist, it needs to be addressed as a separate medical concern.Some mothers complain about their baby suffering from diarrhoea during teething but it is more because of the baby catching infection from infected articles picked from the ground and put by the baby in the mouth.
If the baby continues to be cranky and uncomfortable after your attempt to ease the teething pain, consult your dentist or physician.

Positive attitude of the parents can make a visit to the dentist enjoyable for children. Never bribe your child into going to the dentist -- and don't use a dental visit as a punishment. You shouldn't let your child hear scary stories about the dentist. And under no circumstances should your child know that you feel any anxiety about going to the dentist yourself.
Set a good example for your child by brushing and flossing your own teeth thoroughly everyday and by visiting the dentist regularly.
By talking about the dental visit in a positive, way,as you would about any important new experience, you can greatly reduce your child's concern and help make the visit a pleasant one. During this check-up, we will examine the child's teeth and gums for tooth decay and other problems. X-rays may be taken to make sure the facial bones and teeth are developing properly. If necessary, your child's teeth will be professionally cleaned or a follow-up appointment for cleaning may be scheduled. We will also discuss important preventive home care for maintaining good oral health.
It may be helpful to visit the dental office for a walk-through to meet the staff and familiarize your child with both the office and examination routine.
We can do a lot to put your child at ease during that first visit. By scheduling regular dental visits by your child's third birthday, you can help your child have strong, healthy teeth for a lifetime.

Sometimes no matter how hard we try to prevent it some children may be overly afraid of going to the dentist. It can happen for no apparent reason, or as the result of an accident that required difficult and extensive treatment. It's important that your chiId's dental experiences are as rosy and pleasant as possible. Frightened child patients grow up to be fearful adult patients, and that usually spells disaster for dental heaith.

That's why, when all other means of relieving anxiety fail, we may recommend premedication. Certain mild drugs can eliminate anxiety and fear. As a parent, it's important that you check out any possible allergies, and make sure that any questions you may have are addressed before you make a decision. Premedication is a Iast resort, but sometimes the best choice for putting a fearful mind at ease.

When parents ask us what are the best ways to prevent their children from getting cavities,we often say "SEALANTS!" These act as a barrier between bacteria (the cause of decay) and the enamel on the teeth. The treatment uses plastic fluids that dentists paint on the biting surfaces of permanent molars soon after the teeth come in. Sealants are safe, dry in seconds, and last up to five years.
Kids will still have to brush, floss and visit their dentists because the sealant won't reach between the teeth, where cavities often develop. But, sealants can cut molar cavities by more than 50 percent,and can be especially helpful in areas without fluoridated water.

Sucking is one of a baby's natural reflexes, much like grasping for objects. It is a normal infant reflex which makes a child feel secure and happy. However, when thumbsucking becomes a habit in early childhood, it may cause problems.
Thumb-sucking or finger-sucking is a habit that occurs with many infants. Your child will usually give it up naturally by the age of four. If the sucking habit continues beyond the time when permanent teeth start to erupt, your child may develop crooked teeth and a malformed palate (roof of the mouth). This results from pressure applied by the thumb on the teeth and roof of the mouth. The severity of the problem depends on frequency, intensity, duration and also the position in which the thumb is placed in the mouth. The relationship between the upper and lower jaws may also be affected. Speech defects can occur from malaligned teeth resulting from thumbsucking and/or finger-sucking.

  • The best prevention is to get your newborn to take up the pacifier instead of thumbsucking or finger-sucking. (Although prolonged use of the pacifier can lead to similar problems, it, at least, is not attached to the child and can be removed.)
  • Children should be helped to give up the habit before they enter school to prevent teasing. Timing of treatment is important. Your child should be willing to give up thumbsucking.If your child is not willing to stop, therapy is not usually indicated.Pressure you apply to stop may only lead to resistance and lack of cooperation. Try again later.
  • Give your child attention and understanding and gently discourage the habit. Reminders such as a band-aid on the thumb can help.
  • Offer rewards (star on books,paisa coins, extra story) for days when your child is successful.Praise your child when successful.
  • Take one step at a time. Encourage your child not to suck during one daytime activity,like storytime or television watching. Gradually add another activity until daytime sucking is controlled.

  • Help your child to give up the sucking habit during sleep. This is usually an involuntary process and a glove, sock, or thumb/finger guard can help stop the habit.
  • If these considerations are not successful, see your dentist for further support. By the time your child's permanent teeth begin to erupt (at around 6 years of age), it should be brought to their attention. Your dentist may have other suggestions such as a reminder bar that is placed in the upper mouth.
  • Parents should keep in mind that the best way to get children to stop sucking their thumbs is to praise them when they are not doing it, instead of scolding them when they are. It is also important to focus on the fact that many children suck their thumbs for comfort, so think about why your child may feel anxious or upset. And don't hesitate to ask your dentist for advice.
  • Other Bad Habits like finger sucking, tongue thursting, lip & nail biting, mouth breathing, tongue biting should also be discouraged as they all lead into defective development of jaw bones and teeth.

Habits Causing Irregularity of Teeth


Should I clean my baby's teeth?
Definitely. Even before the first tooth appears, use a soft, clean cloth to wipe your baby's gums and cheeks after feeding. As soon as the first tooth appears, begin using a small, soft bristled tooth brush to clean the tooth after eating. Don't cover the brush with toothpaste. Young children tend to swallow most of the toothpaste,and swallowing too much fluoridated toothpaste can cause permanent spots on their teeth called dental fluorosis.

I find brushing my child's teeth awkward. Any suggestions?
Try having your child lie down. Put your child on your lap or on the floor, keeping his/her head steady with your legs. If your child is standing, have his/her back to you with their head tilted slightly and resting against your body. Have your child hold a mirror while you brush their teeth so your child can see what is being done.

How to brush your child's teeth?
Every day plaque forms on the inner, outer, and chewing surface of teeth and the gums. Tooth brushing is one of the most effective ways to remove the plaque.
The best kind of toothbrush to use is one with soft, round-tipped bristles.
A child will need a smaller brush than an adult. Young children do not have the manual dexterity to brush properly. Your child will need your supervision and help brushing until he or she is 8-10 years old to ensure a thorough brushing has been done.
When the bristles become bent or frayed, a new brush is needed.


Baby bottle tooth decay is a dental condition that can destroy the teeth of an infant or young child. The upper front teeth are the most susceptible to damage, but other teeth also may be affected.

What causes baby bottle tooth decay?
Baby bottle tooth decay is caused by liquids containing sugars like, fruit juice, sodas, and other sweetened drinks. The sugars in these liquids promote bacteria that cause plaque. Shortly after tooth decay can occur, resulting in what is called baby bottle tooth decay.
  • You should be careful when giving an infant a sweet drink at nap or night time.
  • Apple juice & Sodas are the most common to cause baby bottle tooth decay.
How to prevent baby bottle tooth decay?
As soon as the baby teeth appear mouth. By the time the decay is noticed, it may be too late to save the child's teeth. You can prevent this from happening to your child's teeth by knowing how to protect them.

Begin brushing your child's teeth as soon as the first tooth erupts. Flossing should begin when all primary teeth have erupted, usually by age 2 or 2 1/2.
Do not allow your child to sleep with a bottle containing a sweetened liquid.
If your child refuses to fall asleep without a bottle, simply fill it with water and nothing else.

Rampant Caries

Visit your Dentist when your child is around six and twelve months.

How serious is baby bottle tooth decay?
All your child teeth could be lost from decay, infection, as early as one year.
    Your child may have some of these problems:
  • Eating problems
  • Speech problems
  • Social problems
  • Permanent teeth problems

How do I know if my child have bottle tooth decay?
Check your child front teeth for any brown spots. Visit your Dentist