Brushing Technique

The following BRUSHING TECHNIQUE is commonly recommended by dentists. You should see your dentist to ensure that you are using a technique that meets your needs. Use a soft bristled brush (synthetic bristles preferably because natural bristles tend to harbour the oral bacteria as the bristles are more porous). Be sure it is the right size (generally smaller is better than larger). We feels a brush with a long handle and a short head is most ideal for most people, we also feels that method of Brushing and the type of Brush one uses is more important than the Tooth Paste, unfortunately most people give more importance to the Tooth Paste. One should not forget that in India we have had the tradition of using Neem or Babool stick for cleaning Teeth and to chew it and make it more or less brush like. Though the best method to teach brushing technique is by giving a practical demonstration in the mouth or through audiovisual but an effort is being made to teach brushing technique.

  • Place the bristles at a 45 degree angle to the teeth. Slide the tips of the brush under the gums.
  • Jiggle the bristles very gently so that any plaque growing under the gum will be removed. Be sure to brush the outside, the tongue side and the chewing surfaces of your teeth.
  • For the front teeth, brush the inside surfaces of the upper and lower jaws by tilting the brush vertically and making several up and down strokes with the front part of the brush over the teeth and gum tissues.
  • Brushing your tongue will help freshen your breath. Debris and bacteria can collect on your tongue and cause bad breath.
  • Your toothbrush will only clean one or two teeth at a time. Change its position to properly clean each tooth.
  • To prevent plaque damage, be sure to brush at least once every day, preferably at bedtime.
  • Adding a brush time after breakfast increases your chances of thorough daily plaque removal.
  • Don’t rush your brush. A thorough brushing should take at least 3 minutes.
  • Brushing the teeth too vigorously or using a hard bristled toothbrush causes the gums to recede and exposes root surfaces. It also wears down the tooth structure. Both of these conditions can lead to tooth sensitivity.
  • A very small amount of fluoridated toothpaste is all you need, should you choose to use a toothpaste.
  • Replace your brush when the bristles begin to spread. A worn out toothbrush will not properly clean your teeth.

Tooth brush is an important oral hygiene instrument. Every one should know more about tooth brush.
In India, there is no regulatory or statutory control on manufacturing of tooth brush thus one gets varieties of brushes irrespective of their deiecis and virtues. Each one claiming the advantages of shapes, sizes, hard, soft, medium bristles, bends, thumb hold, finger hold, finger bend. This lack of proper knowledge about tooth brushes and technique of using them is the major cause of tooth damage.

    SPECIALISTS Normally suggest that a toothbrush should be:
  • Short head, about 25.4 mm long
  • Shape, slender round head.
  • Height and soft bristles 15.875 mm
  • Diameter of soft bristles 0.203 mm
  • No. of rows of bristles 4 for adults, 3 for small mouth and 3 for children.
  • Soft uniformly trimmed bristles. Such brushes do not damage adjacent tissues nor cause teeth abrasion and need less effort to clean. A soft brush with right technique will give best and effort less cleaning.

    Abrasion Due To Faulty Brushing


Is it important to brush before going to bed ?
Yes ! If you have to miss a brushing, the bedtime one is probably the worst one to miss. If you don't get rid of the bacteria and sugar that cause cavities, they have all night to do harm. While you are awake, saliva helps keep the mouth clean. When you are asleep, there is less saliva produced to clean the mouth. For this reason it is important to brush before bedtime.

How to brush your child's teeth ?
Every day plaque forms on the inner, outer, and chewing surface of teeth and the gums. Tooth brushing is one of the most effective waysto remove the plaque.
The best kind of toothbrush to use is one with soft, round-tipped bristles.
A child will need a smaller brush than an adult. Young children do not have the manual dexterity to brush properly. Your child will need your supervision and help brushing until he or she is 8-10 years old to ensure a thorough brushing has been done.
When the bristles become bent or frayed, a new brush is needed.
Tooth brushing will remove dental plaque and other debris from your teeth.Plaque plays a primary role in oral disease such as tooth decay and gum disease. The best way to remove plaque from the tooth surface on a daily home care basis is through toothbrushing and some form of "between the teeth" cleaning.

Can your tooth brush become source of Infection ?
Germs left on your toothbrush can cause recurring colds and sore throats. To avoid catching the same cold over and over again,change toothbrushes at the first sign of a cold and change again when you regain your health. Germs thrive in dense toothbrushes,especially those with soft bristles, and not surprisingly, they also linger on toothbrush handles.Viruses can survive for several days on a handle that's opaque or tinted, whereas a clear handle kills them faster with its ability to let light pass through. It is also very important to clean the brush regularly with an ANTISEPTIC SOLUTION, besides cleaning it after every use under a water jet. Brushes of other family members should be kept seperatley.


Advertisements seem to suggest that we need a tartar control toothpaste for removing tartar, a whitening toothpaste to brighten teeth, and even a gum care toothpaste to prevent gum disease. What is the most effective toothpaste? This a common question asked by not only patients but many people you meet. Many advertisements seen confuses an individual in this regard. One is advised not to go after the advertisements but if in doubt consult your dentist if one is not able to decide on his own about choosing a Toothpaste.
Toothpastes vs. Gels
Only their physical appearance and a taste is the difference between pastes and gels. While gels may seem less abrasive than pastes,this is not the case. Actually, gels can be more abrasive because of the silica used to make them. However, both are safe, effective cleaners; use whichever you like!

Tartar Control Toothpastes
Most studies suggest that tartar control toothpastes do not remove tartar. They may prevent the accumulation of additional tartar, however. They do not reduce the tartar that forms below the gum line, which is the area where tartar can cause gum disease.

Gum Care Toothpastes
Gum Care toothpastes also have questionable efficacy. This type of paste contains stannous fluoride as compared to sodium fluoride found in other types of paste. While some studies show stannous fluoride may be helpful in reducing the incidence of gingivitis (a reversible form of gum disease), it has also been suggested stannous fluoride is not as affective in prevention of cavities vis a vis sodium fluoride. Any toothpaste containing fluoride is normally recommended.

Baking Soda Toothpastes
Although these have'nt become very popular in India,they are available.There are no conclusive studies that prove baking soda toothpastes significantly reduce cavities compared to other toothpastes. Some people enjoy the taste and feel of baking soda or mint toothpastes. The attractive taste of baking soda and mint toothpastes may encourage people to brush longer. Many baking soda toothpastes may also contain peroxides which can irritate and damage gum tissue.

Abrasive Smoker's Toothpastes and Toothpowders
These toothpastes are not recommended as they can cause recession of the gums and abrasion (slow removal) of tooth structure. The best way to rid your teeth of smoking stains is to stop smoking and, then, have a professional cleaning by a dentist.

Desensitizing Toothpastes
These pastes do actually work for a majority of the people using them. Generally, they are needed when a patient has had gum recession, thereby exposing the root of the tooth. Once this exposure occurs, a tooth can be sensitive to cold, hot, touch, sweet, or sour. There many brands available in the market and they may have different ingredients; therefore, if one brand does not work, try a different brand. Note: you should have any sensitivity checked by your dentist first to be sure it is not a more serious problem.But be careful these pastes are to be used only as professionally advised and not as regular tooth pastes.

Whitening Toothpastes
One must be careful when using these due to their abrasiveness. These should not be used exclusively but should be incorporated into a routine using a fluoride paste. Do not use a whitening paste every time you brush; use only once every day or two. Certain brands can be more abrasive than others. Their efficacy is questionable.Some people claim to notice a brightening of tooth color, while others notice no change. This difference is partly due to variety in diet and tooth structure among people. If you are serious about whitening your teeth, you should discuss various options, including bleaching, with your dentist.

Ayurvedic Pastes/Homeopathetic Pastes
In India many Ayurvedic and Homeopathic Pastes containing Herbs and Ayurvedic and Homeopathic Medicines are available. These Herbs are used in this country since centuries to cure Dental Diseases but the exact effect of these in Paste form is not available.