It is a condition very common in India and 9 out of
10,000 people are suffering from this and this number is increasing day
by day. The first case was noticed by Amesur in Karachi as far
back as 1929, This disease affects any part of the oral cavity like
cheek, retromolar triangle, soft palate,uvula, base of the tongue and
lips including vermilion border and some times the pharynx, occasionally
preceded by vesicle formation, always associated with fibrous bands
fibro elastic change leading to stiffness of the oral mucosa, trismus
and inability to eat."
The aetiology of the disease is obscure but researchers have now clearly established that oral habits including Betelnut, Tobacco, Pan, Gutka. Pan Masala chewing and eating of spices chillies.
The disease is not fatal in itself unless it is influenced by carcinomatous involvements. The normal mouth function is impaired due to the disease which causes starvation. It also has a serious effect on oral hygiene and makes dental treatment very difficult and at times virtually impossible 'SUB MUCOUS FIBROSIS is considered a PRECANCEROUS LESION hence habits causing this should be discouraged.
The aetiology of the disease is obscure but researchers have now clearly established that oral habits including Betelnut, Tobacco, Pan, Gutka. Pan Masala chewing and eating of spices chillies.
Restricted mouth opening |
- There is no specific therapy, though various treatment modalities have so far been tried with varying degree of success, such as:
- Injection of cortisones
- Collagenase enzymes
- Injection of Placentrex"
- Application of 4% Acetic Acid (vinegar).
- Injection of Vit C.
- Inj. of whole Liver Extract.
The disease is not fatal in itself unless it is influenced by carcinomatous involvements. The normal mouth function is impaired due to the disease which causes starvation. It also has a serious effect on oral hygiene and makes dental treatment very difficult and at times virtually impossible 'SUB MUCOUS FIBROSIS is considered a PRECANCEROUS LESION hence habits causing this should be discouraged.